Terminal Features

Guaranteed to save you time, increase the accuracy of your inventory, and help you make informed decisions for your business.

Point Of Sale

  • Issue printed or electronic receipts
  • Apply discounts and issue refunds
  • Keep recording sales even when offline
  • Connect a receipt printer, barcode scanner, webcam scanner and cash drawer
  • Many more...


  • Select a customer payment method. Integrated payments save time, ensure better accuracy and minimize errors.
  • Use your preferred merchant service provider for non-integrated payments

Sales & Basic Reports

  • View revenue, average sales and profit
  • View complete daily and total sales history

Prices & discounts

  • Set customer prices discounts on checkout invoice.
  • Set customer percentage-based discounts on either a single product or the entire checkout invoice.

Cash Register / Management

  • Register cash flows before starting and closing a session.
  • Monitor cash register adjustments & easily verify cash contents at the end of the day

Session Counter Management

  • Choose a counter/device to sign in on
  • Once a counter has been occupied another employee cannot claim it again till the it free

Easy Configuration & Settings

  • Easily manage POS setting based on device configuration.
  • Adjust System setting depending on available hardware and softwares.

Invoice and receipt printing

  • Connect and print with your thermal barcode and label printer.
  • Connect and print with default ink-jet A4 paper printer.
  • Manage printer configuration.