Management Console Features

Guaranteed to save you time, increase the accuracy of your inventory, and help you make informed decisions for your business.

Point Of Sale

  • Issue printed or electronic receipts
  • Apply discounts and issue refunds
  • Keep recording sales even when offline
  • Connect a receipt printer, barcode scanner, webcam scanner and cash drawer
  • Many more...


  • Select a customer payment method. Integrated payments save time, ensure better accuracy and minimize errors.
  • Use your preferred merchant service provider for non-integrated payments

Inventory Management

  • Track stock levels in real time
  • Receive automatic low stock alerts
  • Send orders to suppliers and track stock receipts
  • Transfer stock between your stores
  • Print barcode labels

Sales Analytics

  • View revenue, average sales and profit
  • Track sales trends and react to changes promptly
  • Determine best-selling items and categories
  • View complete sales history
  • Export sales data to the spreadsheets

Employee Management

  • Track sales by employee and determine best performers
  • Employees clock in and out and their total work hours are calculated automatically
  • Grant different levels of access to protect sensitive information

CRM and customer loyalty

  • Build your customer base
  • View customer purchase history to provide personalized service
  • Run loyalty program to reward customers for their recurring purchases
  • Keep notes on valuable customer preferences

Multi-store management

  • Compare performance of your stores
  • Manage items, employees and customers across multiple locations with a single account

Multi-tailer counter management

  • Manage checkout counters in a particular locations.

Invoice and receipt printing

  • Connect and print with your thermal barcode and label printer.
  • Connect and print with default ink-jet A4 paper printer.
  • Manage printer configuration.
  • Manage invoice template.